Saturday, January 15, 2011

Breakfast with God

I don't know about you, but finding the "perfect" time for my quiet time with God has been a struggle.   I know having time alone with God each day is important.  And I crave it.  However, finding that time and making it fit in my schedule is hard.

I know, I know.  I shouldn't make God fit into my schedule.  I should work my schedule around God.  I agree completely.  However, when you have two little ones, that can be easier said than done.  They want to eat, they need to rest, they want... they need... 

And if I'm completely transparent, I was selfish with whatever "Mom-ME" time that I could carve out of my day.  "I deserve a shower/nap/exercise."  I might have felt that I deserved those things, but what I needed -- what I DO need is God.

I had great intentions each day, to sit down in a comfy chair, open my Bible and just be still with God.  I'm sad to say that there were many days when that didn't happen.  A few where it did, but many when it didn't.  And I began to feel guilty.  Very guilty.

I believe God is the beginning and end.  I believe that He is more important than anything else.  However, my life didn't show that.  I was not giving God the time, honor, or glory He deserves.  I felt guilty.

I was talking to God about it one day.  On one of the days I found a space for quiet time.
You know what I heard from Him? 
"Shame off you.  Stop feeling guilty.  Shame. Off.  You."
He wasn't condemning me. 
He was offering me grace.
As only He can do, He was offering me grace. 
And an idea.
Since having a regular, same-time-every-day quiet time wasn't working for me, He offered me something else.  "Meet me everyday.  Whenever you can. Just come to me everyday."
"Hmmmm," I thought.  "I can do that."

And so, this morning, I had breakfast with God.
And it was the most fulfilling, satisfying, and inspiring breakfast I've ever had.

Who knows when I'll have my quiet time with God tomorrow.
All I know is that I can't wait!

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