Friday, October 8, 2010

An "Extra"

One of the 'extras' we use in our workboxes that seems to be a big hit is sorting with tongs.

We have a box of foam blocks that I bought at Target for a buck a bag.  I think I bought about $2 worth, but I really wanted to stuff all the little baggies with foam blocks in my cart and roll away with a maniacal chuckle.  I mean, they were a buck!  Muah, ha, ha...

Today, I had the kids sort them by color.  

Today, the kids happened upon this "extra" on their schedule strip block thingie at the same time.

 Today, they are learning several things:

 working together

 using different tools

 to get a job done

 color discrimination (good for TheBoy who is color blind)

And, when it's all done,

fingers are allowed.

To create a "rainbow."

Side Note:   This is a spin off of something I found at Confessions of a Homeschooler.
Another Side Note:  Yes.  We do have school in our jammies.  More days than not.  Just sayin'...

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