Tuesday, May 3, 2011

4 and 4

I knew this day would come.

Of course it had to come.  He's a pilot.   A pilot who flies really fast aircraft.  Hurtling through space at speeds that only come naturally to wind and sound is what he does.  He does it for his job, but mostly because it's fun.

So I knew this day would come.  And I thought I was prepared.

Then why do my knees tremble?  And my heart race?  And my brain go wild with the possibilities?

It has been 4 months and 4 days since the incident.  And in that time, the time between flights, we've had great opportunities to discuss God's role in it all.  We have come to know, to the very marrow of our beings, that He is the only thing, the only answer, for the reason things came out the way they did.  By all accounts from the 'professionals,' my husband shouldn't be here today.  The 'professionals' say that there are many, many places in the course of the incident that MotorMan could have should have been killed.  But those 'professionals' don't take into account one thing:

Our God is sovereign.

And so, this morning, as I listen for the Sound of Freedom flying overhead, I rest in that promise.
My God is sovereign.  My God is so big, so strong, and so mighty.  There is nothing my God cannot do.

And while I rest in that promise, I hear a Still, Small Voice.  A Whisper:
"I am He who hung the stars.  I am He who holds them in place.  I am He who holds your husband.  Trust me, Daughter.  Trust me."

And I do.

**In the defense of the 'professionals' I've mentioned above, their job is to find concrete answers to the causes and results of the incident.  Not to analyze things from a Biblical point of view.  I am very, very thankful for all the men and women who worked during the rescue, recovery, and through the months of investigations.  My prayer would be that those who don't know our God would learn from this incident.  There is more than concrete answers and things that can be explained by the brain.  There is God!


  1. (aka Grampy)

    There is no doubt in my mind that, on the day of the incident 4 months and 4 days ago, God was Bryan’s Co-Pilot!
    Being the religious person that Bryan is, I would imagine that he has, as John Gillespie Magee so aptly said it in his poem High Flight :
    “And, while with silent lifting mind I have trod
    The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
    - Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.”


The sweetest sounds to mortals given
Are heard in Mother, Home, and Heaven.
~William Goldsmith Brown

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